Light Legs: Don’t Walk Heavy Through Life.

Light Legs: Don’t Walk Heavy Through Life.

When the first hot weather arrives, many people, especially women, suffer from tired, swollen and heavy legs, among other symptoms.
High temperatures cause dilation of the capillaries, slowing down the return circulation and aggravating the discomfort in those who suffer from this type of vascular disorder.

In Ayurvedic terms, the Pitta dosha is aggravated.

You will balance this condition by following these seven tips:

– Do not expose your legs to the sun or other heat source.

– Apply Pitta Body Cream #JeevanAyurveda daily, not only to cool your feet and legs, but also your whole organism.

– Massage your feet and legs two to three times a week with cold oils and plants. Add a few drops of #PittaOilJeevanAyurveda to a tablespoon of Kumari Gel and massage your legs with this mixture, you will improve the circulation of your legs and your whole body.

-Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Avoid crossing your legs while sitting.

– Reduce the consumption of salty, sour and spicy foods. Increase the consumption of bitter, sweet (cereals, rice,…) and astringent foods.

– Drink herbal teas to balance Pitta, Pitta-Haridra tea.

– Whenever possible keep your legs up.

And enjoy one of the most beautiful seasons of the year!

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