
Taking care of ourselves in autumn: Autumn Ritucharya.

Ayurveda advises us all to follow a seasonal routine (Ritucharya). This routine is known throughout nature: in autumn, trees lose their leaves, and many animal species withdraw into themselves. Mid-autumn and winter is the season when the Vata dosha (cold and dry) tends to increase. To maintain balance (especially for people where...

Light Legs: Don’t Walk Heavy Through Life.

When the first hot weather arrives, many people, especially women, suffer from tired, swollen and heavy legs, among other symptoms. High temperatures cause dilation of the capillaries, slowing down the return circulation and aggravating the discomfort in those who suffer from this type of vascular disorder. In Ayurvedic terms, the Pitta dosha...

The summer must-haves

The essentials to take care of your skin and keep it balanced in summer. In summer, the fire element tends to increase in all organisms, and therefore, Pitta dosha tends to be aggravated. The most frequent imbalances are redness, itching, eczema and inflammation, itching, eczema and inflammation. Harmonious skin care in the summer...

Spring Ritucharya

Spring has arrived in the northern hemisphere. And in spring, the Kapha dosha tends to aggravate. This means that imbalances of this dosha, generated in winter, appear in spring. The first discomforts caused by Kapha imbalance are usually colds, colds, respiratory allergies, weight gain, increased fluid retention and a possible increase in...

Inner peace, outer beauty

As you study Ayurveda in depth, you realise that nutrition, medicine and beauty overlap, constituting a whole. The foods of a healthy diet, which prevents disease, are the same ingredients of healthy cosmetics. In this holistic system, body and mind are considered as parts of the same whole. Treatments act...


Morning self-massage works because it calms the body's two major systems: the nervous and the endocrine. If we massage our body with a thin film of oil suitable for our constitution (Vata, for dry skin; Pitta, for sensitive skin; and Kapha, for oily skin), the skin is nourished, soft and in...